
I have worked with dozens of organizations and agencies, helping them improve and maintain their Websites and applications.

Recent Client Projects

Four Kitchens -- As a Technical Strategist for this growing agency, I served as a technical partner to a top university, advising on long-term planning in addition to providing day-to-day backlog management for their platform of 130+ departmental and internal websites. I also guided a major national union through a large-scale Drupal 7 to 9 overhaul and migration of their platform of 1000+ local sites.

ACLU -- As a full-stack Web engineer, I manage deployments for their Drupal-based platform of 50+ regional affiliate sites. I also helped the national team implement a brand refresh and front-end overhaul of the main site.

NASTAD -- As a long-term engineering partner for this national nonprofit focused on AIDS prevention, I worked with the Communications team to envision, build, and maintain a number of websites, including a new national site with tools for launching microsites quickly and at low cost.

Berkeley Parents Network -- In the roles of full-stack engineer and technical strategist, I helped this beloved publisher of parent-focused newsletters grow into a self-sustaining nonprofit by defining the architecture & providing hands-on development for the organization's popular online social network. With ecommerce and mailing list integration. 

Tools & Techniques

Websites are more than just a collection of pages. Modern, sophisticated sites are secure and integrated with many other systems. I have the experience you need to ensure your projects are successful.

Data Migration - Import and export with REST APIs. Direct database migrations & transformations for Drupal upgrades and WordPress to Drupal migrations.

Security - Audits, updates, and planning of major version upgrades.

Identity Management - Single sign-on integration with SAML, Okta, and LDAP.

Ecommerce - PayPal and Square integration. Heavy customization of Drupal Commerce.

Mailchimp Integration

Salesforce Integration

Google Analytics