
I’m a Technical Strategist and Web Developer located in San Diego, though I work with clients all over the US, including Washington DC, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York.

I strongly believe nonprofits and educators deserve access to the latest and best technology, just as much as any other industry. I have dedicated my career to helping progressive organizations do great things on the Web -- amplifying voices, raising funds, communicating ideas, publishing research, building community, and more.

With over 20 years of experience in the Discovery, Design, Build, and Maintenance phases of Web development & content management projects, I guide nonprofits and higher ed organizations through complex decisions about websites and Web technologies so they can keep their focus on their core missions.

My dual background in engineering and publishing means I am as comfortable reviewing code as I am setting content strategy. I draw on my experience as a journalist to ask the right questions, listen carefully for the real answers, and provide clarity to complex ideas.

Why "ReturnControl"?

Too many organizations have lost control of their websites.

Upgrades seem to take for ever and cost more than expected. Releases introduce new bugs. There's never time to plan and build truly innovative features. And when changes finally do go live, they have no way of knowing if it was worth it.

It doesn't have to be that way.

I build sites that let organizations regain control of their Web presences. When you hire me, I work with your team to plan and develop a site that helps you achieve a goal -- whether it's to increase donations, generate more leads, bring together more people, or get your message out to the world. And drawing on my extensive experience in editorial, writing, and content mangement, I help you customize the content management system that underlies your website in a way that matches your workflow and truly meets your organization's needs.

Let's Talk!

Building a Web project that creates joy and wonder, that brings people together, that reminds us of our obligation to the planet and to each other? How can I help?

To inquire about availability and rates, or to discuss your project and needs, please email:

amit [at] returncontrol [dot] com